Students are thirsty for education, the Education Ministry spokesman said. "If the material is written on paper, or on animal skin, it doesn't matter, as long as it is provided," Nang said. 教育部发言人声称学生渴望受教育,朗说,只要允许,不管教材是写在纸上还是兽皮上都没关系。
The paper also notes that while the skin absorbs Vitamin D naturally from the sun, it takes more exposure for African Americans to reach the same level of Vitamin D as white individuals. 该论文也提醒人们,在让皮肤通过自然方法从太阳吸收维生素D的同时,美国黑人需要在阳光下暴露更多时间才能达到和白人相同的维生素D含量。
Meanwhile, the paper summarized the male skin care and male perfume market, and advanced some suggestions in male cosmetic marketing. 同时,简要总结了男士皮肤护理和男士香水市场,就男士化妆品营销方法提出了一些建议。
In this paper, the process of high-grade sheep skin shoe upper leather was described. 本文介绍了高档绵羊皮鞋面革加工技术。
A white paper English people usually have fair skin. 英国人通常是白皮肤。
OBJECTIVE The paper reviewed the effectiveness and reliability of skin paddles of free fibula flaps in the reconstruction of maxillofacial defects. 正>目的:游离腓骨骨皮瓣皮岛在上颌骨缺损修复中的作用及可靠性。
This paper analyzes forming cause of the oxide skin in low temperature reheater, superheater and condenser, and introduces the measures taken to avoid drop of oxide skin on the basis of experience. 对低温再热器、过热器、凝汽器内氧化皮形成的原因进行了分析,并根据经验介绍了避免氧化皮脱落所采取的措施。
Wonton Hou of the wonton skin have a thin paper said that the skin on the newspaper to see the words above. 馄饨侯的馄饨皮有薄如纸一说,把皮放在报纸上,能看到上面的字。
In this paper, a self-adaptive skin color detection algorithm for color images based on HSV color space, which is composed of skin color segmentation using H threshold, relative significance filter and self-adaptive region merging is presented. 针对复杂背景彩色图像提出了一种基于HSV色彩空间的自适应肤色检测算法。
By studying the surface of the oil painting, especially the classical oil, the works of the impressionists and the famous Russian painters 'works, this paper elaborates the importance of the skin texture in oil painting. 通过对古典油画,印象派画家作品以及俄罗斯著名代表的油画表层的研究,阐述了肌理对油画的重要性。
In this paper, the preparation of tilapia skin collagen enzymic hydrolysates, the antioxidant properties in vitro of tilapia skin collagen hydrolysates, and the purification of superoxide radical scavenging active peptides from tilapia skin collagen hydrolysates were investigated. 本论文研究了罗非鱼皮胶原蛋白的复合酶解工艺、罗非鱼皮胶原酶解液的体外抗氧化性质和罗非鱼皮胶酶解液中具有自由基清除活性的肽的分离纯化。
The paper introduces the writing skin of products after reacting between alpha dihydroxy alcohol and periodic acid, and how to conclude the structure of alpha dihydroxy alcohol from their products, and how to apply the reaction. 本文介绍了α-二醇与高碘酸反应后产物的书写技巧,并讨论了如何由产物推出α-二醇的结构以及反应的应用。
The content based video skin detection system presented in this paper is designed to recognize skin regions in videos, compute the skin exposure degrees and provide some brief judgments. 本论文所述的基于内容的视频皮肤检测方法就是要对视频中的皮肤进行有效的检测,并估计视频的皮肤暴露度,为相关人员提供初步的判断标准。
For proper use of the measured data of core analysis, a study was conducted in this paper on the skin effects in core analysis. 为了深入了解和正确使用岩心分析资料,文章研究了岩心分析过程中的表皮效应。
In the present paper, the heterogeneity of skin connective mast cells ( CTMC) in comparison with that of gastrointestinal mucosal mast cells ( MMC) with both toluidine blue staining and immunostaining was studied. 本实验对比观察了大鼠皮肤结缔组织肥大细胞(CTMC)和胃肠粘膜肥大细胞(MMC)在甲苯胺兰染色性和细胞内肽类胺类物质免疫反应性方面的异同。
In this paper various methods for estimating mean skin temperature of human body, some instruments used to measure skin temperature and the applicability of these methods are evaluated. 本文介绍了不同的人体平均皮肤温度测算方法及测温仪器,并对这些测算方法的适用性进行了简要的评价。
This paper investigates two skin effect correction methods, i.e., the multiplying adding factor and the function fitting, used in dual induction logging. 详细研究了传统分段线性乘加因子和函数拟合趋肤效应校正方法及其存在的问题,并给出这些方法的适用范围。
This paper reviewed some new types of skin whitening agents and their mechanisms of action from aspects of suppressing melanogenesis, reducing melanosome transference and enhancing desquamation of melanin pigment from the epidermis etc. 从抑制黑色素形成、转移以及促进黑色素从表皮脱落等方面对新型皮肤美白剂及其作用机制进行了简要评述。
This paper presents the curves among apparent skin factor Sa of pseudo radial flow, dimensionless flow, dimensionless fracture conductivity FCD and fracture skin factor Sf, and introduces a way to integrate two models. 本文给出了拟径向流阶段视表皮系数Sa与无量纲裂缝导流系数FCD、裂缝表皮系数Sf之间的关系曲线,提出了将上述两个模型解结合起来的途径。
The paper explains the skin effect phenomenon and its application in the cable TV signal transmission, emphasis on the analysis of the relation between the depth of penetration and the cable TV signal frequency. 对有线电视信号传输中的趋肤效应现象及其应用作了阐述,着重分析了透入深度与有线电视信号频率两者之间的关系。
In this paper, microcirculation of partial skin in mice was investigated by PP electrets. We have come to the conclusion that venular diameter was extented and blood velocity was quickened, Blood flow of capillary and arteriola was also improved by electrets. 本文通过聚丙烯(PP)驻极体对小鼠局部皮肤微循环进行研究,结果表明,驻极体能使微静脉扩张,微动脉和微静脉的血流速度加快,毛细血管及微动脉血流改善。
A series of classical sandwich composite panels composed of polyurethane ( PU) foam core and epoxy laminate or paper panel skin were prepared. 制备了一系列三明治式聚氨酯(PU)泡沫夹心板,研究了聚氨酯泡沫的组成和结构与频率响应特性之间的关系。
This paper describes the study of skin core structure, break stretch and ageing of PET cut fibre using ATR of infrared spectroscopy. 用红外光谱ATR法研究了涤纶短纤维的皮芯结构,断裂伸长及老化过程。结果表明:纤维表面与内部只有微小差异;
The author of this paper attempts to skin the sugar-coating of ML, and let it return to FFP system, i.e. FFP-ATS semantics of ML is discussed. 作者试图剥掉ML的糖衣,让它回到FFP系统上来;
The focus of this paper is on reproducing three-dimensional facial skin based on a small quantity of landmarks and their corresponding tissue thickness, and improving of surface fitting. 重点介绍以特征点及其软组织厚度为基础的颅面皮肤的复原技术,及曲面拟合方法的改进。
Aluminum paper shields covered the skin surface and changing water volume of the bolus could minimize overheating of bone and surface. 铝箔纸对超声辐射有明显的屏蔽效果。通过减少水囊内水量,可增加辐射器与皮肤表面的接触面积和减轻皮肤表面过热。
For color images, this paper compares the three types of skin texture detection algorithm: Gabor filtering, gray co-occurrence matrix method and the simple gray level statistics. 针对肤色图片的特点,比较了三种皮肤纹理检测算法:Gabor滤波法、灰度共生矩阵法和简单灰度统计法。
Hence, this paper uses skin color to make farther detection for verification and supplement purpose. 因此,本文利用人体的肤色特征作进一步检测与补充。
Firstly, the paper introduces the skin detection principle. 本文主要开展了如下研究工作:首先,对肤色检测的原理和相关技术进行了详细介绍。
Firstly, the paper did researches to the skin detection principle and related technique and chooses the color space detection model and texture detection model by the compare of experiments. 本文首先对皮肤检测原理和相关技术进行了调研,并通过实验比较,最终选择了色度空间检测模型和纹理检测模型。